Contact us
We will be pleased to assist you with any question or inquiry regarding our company and our products.
Please note during busy periods delivery times may take longer than usual.
Online store
If you are shopping in our online store, you can contact us by:
E-mail: onlinestore@georgjensen.com
Physical stores
If you are shopping in a physical Georg Jensen store, you can contact: amt@georgjensen.com
If you are a Georg Jensen dealer, you can contact us by:
Wholesale Scandinavian
Phone +45 70 12 34 20 / e-mail: csnordic@georgjensen.com
Wholesale Export
Phone +45 70 12 34 40 / e-mail: csexport@georgjensen.com
Press information
See our Press section
The online shop is run by
Georg Jensen A/S
Sdr. Fasanvej 7
DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
+45 38 14 90 44
CVR (Company registration number): 26573645